Wednesday, August 12, 2015

EOC: Week 4 New Phone App

If I could make a new phone App, I would enjoy creating something for every Middle, High, and College student. I would call it the Tutoring App this app would be the go to for students that need that extra help after school or while doing homework, or even just a quick reference guide. You would be able to find any subject from Spanish, French, English, Art Projects, Math and so much more. My app will ensure that students will be confident after using the self help guide and or tutors. All students will be able to communicate with a live specialist to get any questions they may have answered. The app will be updated every 6 months to ensure the curriculum is up to date and that the student will be successful in whatever subject they studied from our app. I would also include Calculators, Dictionary’s, Thesaurus, and a suggestion box along with a chat that will communicate your issues to a live person s you will be prepared for that mid-term or test or a pop quiz.  A calendar if you want to request a study session so you won’t fall behind. On my tutoring app there will be a frequently asked and visited tab meaning the more you search the more we can recognize your needs the next time u log in. Along with all this we will have a place to leave a comment and or request a call from a tutor if you’re just not understanding the work off online. I think if there was an app like this more students would be happy and would not get frustrated when they don’t have the help they need from their parents and or teachers. I also feel like it would save the embarrassment to those that don’t like to ask for another person’s help.

EOC: Week 3 Making Money for Good

One of the best online businesses you can start today is a blog. The downside of a blog is that it’s not a short term profit maker; but it can bring you fortunes and fame. Owning a blog network is definitely not an easy thing to do, but it can be done. However, it’s advisable you start from only one blog. Once your blog or blogs are up and running, you can enjoy steady streams of passive income.
Profitable Web Based Services Business Ideas and Opportunities to Start
To build a successful business online around service provision; you need nothing but specialized knowledge or skill and thorough understanding of how the internet works. Your overhead can be kept low by operating your business from home. In fact, providing business services on the internet can be started from home with zero capital. All you need is core expertise and you are good to go. You can get such expertise by attending seminars and workshops, reading books and practicing on your own.

Growing an online service business is quite easy because of the ease of referral; and the automation of several processes. Marketing your business expertise online is quite cheap and can even be done for free; if you know how to go about it. I have a couple of friends that have online businesses and do very well. I am not a blogger but I guess if u have a lot to talk about and u know how to grasp the attention of you audience then most will do well in this business. Everywhere you look now days there is someone opening a new blog page and have people tuning in like it’s the daily news. I think it pretty interesting to be honest but I have yet found one to get my attention. And to be honest I don’t even look for them to read.

EOC: Week 3 Demographics

I am considered to be a Millennials Born between 1977-2000. We are the baby boomers number 83 million and larger than the baby boomers segment. (Page73 Marketing: AN Introduction 10 Edition). Technology is our way of life so they say. I am not a huge fan of technology even though I do use it. now days it’s like you have to use it if you do not want to be left behind. Now days Marketers of all kinds now target the Millennials segment, often automakers to political Campaigns. (Page 74, Marketing: An Introduction 10 Edition). With our Demographics “Barack Obama was the first Presidential Candidate to be marketed like a high-end consumer brand. (Page 74, Marketing: An Introduction 10 Edition). I do know that the Millennials are very advanced when it comes to technology, and are not afraid to use it unlike other demographics. Before you know it they will have taking Digital to another level. Everything they do is either online or on their smart phones and or tablets. I work at Capital One bank and we have a new Marketing pitch called flipping the funnel this is where we are trying to convert more consumers to go digital instead of calling in and using a representative. You have some card members that will never use a computer but we are targeting that percent that will. Eventually Capital One will have less employees doing the job that the computer can do for the card member. We like a lot of companies are taking Digital very serious and showing the Millennials that they are very well excepted and we love the way they think when it comes to technology. In the next 10 years a lot of people will need to adjust to the fact that technology is the way every company will be conducting business and the old way just is out of date and does not meet the needs of the business. 

EOC: Week 1 Customer Service Experience

My best customer Service Experience I would have to say most recently was at Lowes. I just recently went into the Lowes in Summerlin by my house to purchase some bug barrier. After purchasing the spray from Lowes I returned home to find out that the pump did not work, I was frustrated due to the fact of the nature of the purchase. I have earlier that day came home from being out shopping and found a scorpion in my master bathroom. After getting the pest out of my house I cleaned my floors and went to purchase the spray. So the next day I went to class and my friend went to Lowes to exchange the spray for a different one that we hoped worked. So my friend gave the cashier my receipt and told him she wanted to exchange for a different one and the cashier told her that she needed the card she paid with to do a return, I was so upset because that is not true. If you are doing an even exchange why would you need the card that the merchandise was bought with? Then he proceeded to return my spray back to the card and my card was with me at school. So I guess he did not need it to return it after all. I was so upset that this cashier was putting my friend thru this after all she wanted to do was do an even exchange. So I asked my friend to go back inside and speak with a Manager. After the manager heard how frustrated I was over this situation she gave my friend the bug spray for free. I didn’t expect that but it was very nice of her I had explained to her that I never have heard of such a rule and that her cashier needed to be retrained, and that I had Managed retail for the last 8 years. She was so apologetic it made me feel good that she went above and beyond to make sure I was satisfied with the outcome. So by far Lowes is has a customer for life.