Wednesday, August 12, 2015

EOC: Week 4 New Phone App

If I could make a new phone App, I would enjoy creating something for every Middle, High, and College student. I would call it the Tutoring App this app would be the go to for students that need that extra help after school or while doing homework, or even just a quick reference guide. You would be able to find any subject from Spanish, French, English, Art Projects, Math and so much more. My app will ensure that students will be confident after using the self help guide and or tutors. All students will be able to communicate with a live specialist to get any questions they may have answered. The app will be updated every 6 months to ensure the curriculum is up to date and that the student will be successful in whatever subject they studied from our app. I would also include Calculators, Dictionary’s, Thesaurus, and a suggestion box along with a chat that will communicate your issues to a live person s you will be prepared for that mid-term or test or a pop quiz.  A calendar if you want to request a study session so you won’t fall behind. On my tutoring app there will be a frequently asked and visited tab meaning the more you search the more we can recognize your needs the next time u log in. Along with all this we will have a place to leave a comment and or request a call from a tutor if you’re just not understanding the work off online. I think if there was an app like this more students would be happy and would not get frustrated when they don’t have the help they need from their parents and or teachers. I also feel like it would save the embarrassment to those that don’t like to ask for another person’s help.

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