Wednesday, August 12, 2015

EOC: Week 3 Demographics

I am considered to be a Millennials Born between 1977-2000. We are the baby boomers number 83 million and larger than the baby boomers segment. (Page73 Marketing: AN Introduction 10 Edition). Technology is our way of life so they say. I am not a huge fan of technology even though I do use it. now days it’s like you have to use it if you do not want to be left behind. Now days Marketers of all kinds now target the Millennials segment, often automakers to political Campaigns. (Page 74, Marketing: An Introduction 10 Edition). With our Demographics “Barack Obama was the first Presidential Candidate to be marketed like a high-end consumer brand. (Page 74, Marketing: An Introduction 10 Edition). I do know that the Millennials are very advanced when it comes to technology, and are not afraid to use it unlike other demographics. Before you know it they will have taking Digital to another level. Everything they do is either online or on their smart phones and or tablets. I work at Capital One bank and we have a new Marketing pitch called flipping the funnel this is where we are trying to convert more consumers to go digital instead of calling in and using a representative. You have some card members that will never use a computer but we are targeting that percent that will. Eventually Capital One will have less employees doing the job that the computer can do for the card member. We like a lot of companies are taking Digital very serious and showing the Millennials that they are very well excepted and we love the way they think when it comes to technology. In the next 10 years a lot of people will need to adjust to the fact that technology is the way every company will be conducting business and the old way just is out of date and does not meet the needs of the business. 

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