Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Target Marketing Strategy

The food market has a lot of competition and static standing between you and the consumer. Narrowing your focus to one specific demographic or marketing place give potential customers a reason to notice you in the rest of the fray. You have to differentiate yourself in the marketplace this will be a motivator for the consumer when it comes to prices. Having a specific targeting market is very important. After Stop target market will be the individuals that enjoy the nightlife from the ages 21-40. Of course we will not exclude certain types of consumer from our market is the first elements of a marketing mix. I do feel that with our food truck that we will get a lot  of attention due to the fact that we service only after hour clubs. To design a winning marketing strategy, the marketing manager must answer two important questions: What customers will we serve (what’s our target market)? and How can we serve these customers best (what’s our value proposition)? pg(9)Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing . The first step would be to make sure that the food that I am trying to sell is not being sold in the area I would be working and most of all not open during the times I am working less options for my consumers the better.When coming up with my targeting market I have to think of these important steps to have a successful outcome. Characteristics of the primary market you’re targeting These characteristics may include information about the critical needs of your potential customers.Size of the primary target market, Your pricing and gross margin targets, Resources for finding information related to your target market,& Evaluation of your competition. And there is so much more. 

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