Sunday, September 20, 2015

Week 10 EOC: What are the Benefits vs. The Features

The Benefits of my food truck After Stop, is the we are a portable restaurant  and will come to our consumers. We serve nothing but fresh food at all times, never any pre cooked meat. A benefit of having a portable restaurant is that our consumers can have the joy of never having to wait in long lines and that we have the ability to broadcast to different communities and we have free advertisement by driving around. We do not have to stay local if we do not choose too. we control our our hours of operation and location. We are family owned and we do not have to hire many staff members. If the weather is bad we do not have to work on that day and if the location we are at is not a safe or good spot we can relocate at anytime. Our prime time of work has a benefit also we cater to the individuals that like to party and eat after. We also have can go to all the clubs on the strip on the weekend that will be my best profit. We have easy clean up and not any insects and pest issues. The features of the food truck would be space and easy set up. Mobile and insurance liability and full coverage. Lights and back up battery if ever needed. Our Features are very noticeable and are all very detailed this truck is very clean and neat at all times and also have speakers to play music or advertise thru out the day to let the party people where we will be later that night for business . Also to let our consumers know when we are going to be closing at the current location and where we will be traveling next too. T o myself the Benefits out weights the Features but they both work well together to make After Stop food truck a success.

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